John Vandenbemden
Column | John Vandenbemden
The transition to the new Rules 6 must be completed by January 1, 2025, after which they will be mandatory for all audits.
ITAF Rule 6 Changes

The certification requirements to the international standard IATF 16949 are presented in the IATF Certification Specifications (“IATF Rules”). The sixth edition of the “Rules for Achieving and Maintaining IATF Recognition” was published on March 31, 2024. It has been stated that the changes have been made to improve certifiability, audit procedures and overall efficiency. The transition to the new Rules 6 must be completed by January 1, 2025, after which they will be mandatory for all audits. The most significant changes are performance and risk-based audit days instead of the current method, which is based on employee count. The following are changes that have a significant impact, but do not represent all the changes within Rules 6.
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John Vandenbemden currently sits on the ASQ Standards Committee as the Inspection Division representative. He is a voting member of TC 176 and chair of the SC5, USTAG 69 and audits for SRI and Quality Auditing. Vandenbemden is past-chair of the ASQ Inspection Division. For more information, email
Vandenbemden is also the 2022 Quality Professional of the Year.