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Teledyne e2v Hydra3D+ ToF Sensor

Teledyne e2v, a part of Teledyne Technologies, announces the release of its Hydra3D+, a new Time-of-Flight (ToF) CMOS image sensor which incorporates 832 x 600 pixel resolution and is tailored for versatile 3D detection and measurement.

Designed with Teledyne e2v’s proprietary CMOS technology, Hydra3D+ features a brand-new 10 µm three-tap pixel which provides very fast transfer times (starting from 10ns), and displays high sensitivity in the NIR wavelength, alongside excellent demodulation contrast. This precise combination enables the sensor to operate in real-time without motion artefacts (even if there are fast moving objects in the scene) and with excellent temporal noise at short ranges, essential in applications such as pick and place, logistics, factory automation and factory safety. An innovative on-chip multi-system management feature enables the sensor to work alongside multiple active systems without interference which can lead to false measurements.

Teledyne e2v Hydra3D+ ToF Sensor

The excellent sensitivity of Hydra3D+ enables it to effectively manage lighting power and handle a wide range of reflectivity. Its high resolution, with powerful on-chip HDR, featuring an on-the-fly flexible configuration, enables the best trade-off between application-level parameters, such as distance range, object reflectivity, frame rate etc. This makes it ideal for mid, long-range distances and/or outdoor applications such as automated guided vehicles, surveillance, ITS and building construction.

The sensor has been designed for customers seeking real-time and flexible 3D detection with uncompromised 3D performance. It offers large field-of-view scenes captured in both 2D and 3D by a compact sensor which makes the system very cost effective.

Ha Lan Do Thu, marketing manager for 3D imaging at Teledyne e2v, said, “Today, many Time-of-Flight sensors suffer from motion artefacts and can’t instantly perform in changing operating conditions. With Hydra3D+, our customers can easily achieve reliable 3D measurement with the highest levels of 3D performance, uncompromised image quality in both 2D and 3D modes, and in all distance ranges and conditions even where multiple systems operate or in outdoor environments.”

Documentation, samples, and development tools are now available upon request. In addition, there are several proprietary modelling tools to support customers in their assessment of the operation of Hydra3D+.

Teledyne e2v

LMI Technologies Gocator 2490

LMI Technologies (LMI) announced the NTEP certification in the US (National Conference on Weights and Measures - NCWM) of its Gocator 2490 Legal for Trade Packaging & Logistics Measurement Solution for use in package dimensioning applications.

LMI Technologies Gocator 2490

LMI Technologies’ LFT-certified measurement solution includes the ultra-wide field of view Gocator 24902490A-2-R-16-T laser profile sensor for data acquisition; a spring-loaded linear encoder that initiates 3D line profile capture for precise synchronization with conveyor belt movement; pre-configured on-sensor job files for applying standard dimensional measurements; a PC-based conveyor configuration utility for adjusting the measurement region of the sensor to match the conveyor; and a measurement display. This display provides the user interface, reports alignment status, allows the user to trigger alignment, reports measurements out of range, and clears alignment if the sensor temperature changes by 5 degrees or more.

Customers interested in deploying a Legal for Trade dimensioning system at multiple sites, or integrated in an OEM machine, can purchase all components from LMI or source the required encoder and measurement display from a third-party supplier. Standalone, the Gocator 2490 is an ultra-wide field of view laser profiler that is ideal for package dimensioning applications.

About Gocator 2490:

  • Large field of view and measurement range allows the system to adapt to the conveyor, mounting and package requirement
  • Able to support conveyor speeds of up to 500 feet/minute, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
  • Certified to measure packages within 0.2 inches in length and width and 0.1 inches in height

On-sensor Jobfiles:

The Gocator 2490 Legal for Trade sensor from LMI includes custom jobfiles that perform dimensioning on-sensor. These files are locked and cannot be accessed. OEM customers developing their own outbound dimensioning system can purchase the 2490 standard product and implement the same functionality. Please contact LMI to learn more.

  • Preconfigured jobfiles are used for alignment and measurement
  • Sensor reports profile width to conveyor configuration utility
  • Sensor outputs dimensions to Smart Display over Modbus
  • Benefits to the System Integrator:
  • Out-of-the-box LFT-certified device for accurate dimensional measurement
  • Built-in Modbus support for communication with the Smart Display
  • Smart Display program for Legal-for-Trade conformant measurement output is available upon request

LMI Technologies 

February 2023  |  Volume 62  |  Number 2

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